Contemporary or Post Modern Clothing
“Modern” and Beyond
- characterized by rapid changes and variety in style
- narrow silhouette continues with skirts getting shorter
- corsets disappear or change to an all over shaper
- style and silhouette is influenced my the mechanical age
- metalic-ness in beading or fabric (lame {la-may} fabric)
- everything very vertical with design into it
- emphasis to the hips
- feathers and furs incorporated
- Cocoon Jacket
- overlay of sheer fabric
- “exotic” styles included: turban styled hats
- coats more fitted to the body, more individual tailoring
- lapels and pants begin to widen
- coat lengths shorten
- much more casual look
- sweaters begin to be worn as daywear instead of just for sporting
- more feminine as a reaction to the 1920s short hem and boxiness
- natural waste line and silhouette
- fabrics are soft and floaty
- fabric often cut on the bias
- hair: short, close curls
- prints
- longer silhouettes
- Elsa Schiaperelli
- influenced by/worked with Salvador Dahli
- not as strict definition of women in dresses (mainly for sports or very informal
- not as much definition in what worn when
- more skin in evening wear and less in
- super high glamour of Hollywood
- Coco Chanel
- goes from fitted/structure to width in shoulders, lapels, ties and pant legs
- more cuffed paints
- looser clothing
- softness in fabric
- waistlines are high, at natural waist
- lengths shorter in pants
- even mens clothing has femininity
- softer hats
general influence from military
more practical and functional
what is necessary to survive
War Years
- starting to wear pants more (for practicality)
- still see the width in early 1940s
- frock - small dress
- more masculine in shoulders, some hats and
- still high fashion influence from Hollywood
- young women wearing father or brother’s clothing as sign of remembering
- leg makeup painted on stockings
Post War
- reaction against masculinity of War Years
- returning to a feminine silhouette
- return of padding at hips
- more extravagance
War Years
- jacket sleeves and pant lengths shorten and shoulders narrows
- hats stay wide and soft, often felt
Post War
- return to casual and sporty
- larger cuffs
- a little more slimming and narrowing in suit
- sweaters and cardigan become more executable for everyday look and more
- seeing sleeves and rolled up sleeves in professional environments
- high waisted paints
rise of the middle class
Cold War
- poodle skirts, saddle shoes and a Capri pants
- more practical fashions in fabric
- pencil skirt v. fuller skirt
- moving into blouse and skirt or blouse and pants
- more conservative hair
- casual looks and sloppiness in kids looks
- ankle length pants are popular
- mix and match be came more popular
- more length in the skirts
- poodle hair
- continue narrowing
- slimming in lower half of the body
- seeing pants w/o a cuff
- still width in the coat
- higher button
- real narrow lapel
- slim in the jacket
rebellion and politics
trends following movements
boxiness in both men and women
more masculineness in both men and women
- shift dress - fitted at the top but not at bottom or waist
- Tim Terini paper dolls (fashion design)
- maud
- Twiggi - optimized the maud movement
- synthetic fabrics with big patterns
- very boxy
- Beetles invasion
- narrow tie/narrow lapel
- more print in men’s suits
- more patterns and bright colors that contrast by end of
took vomit of late 1960 and ran with it
jeans worn all times
synthetic and polyesters in everything
trends were unisex
overall look is rather conservative
slight through back to 1930s
bright colors, bold patterns and prints
fairly conservative, very covered
Conservetive to the extreme
jump suits
more knits
denim everywhere!!
- coulots - shorts that pretend to be skirts
- lapels and pant legs widen and gaudy
- liesure suits
- wider colors and pants legs
- 3 piece crookery suit
focus on money and power
increase/extreme in accessorization
Valley Girl/ Material Girl
Oversized, boxy
influence of the 1940s
denim, washed denim
power dressing - huge shoulder pads
looseness, softening
slimmed down in mens suit
oversized looseness and softness in silhouette and fabric
casual and functionalness


Designer: Gabrielle "Coco" Chanel Date: 1937–38 Culture: French Medium: silk, rayon, horsehair, linen

Designer: Gabrielle "Coco" Chanel Date: 1930–32 Culture: French Medium: silk

Designer: Gabrielle "Coco" Chanel Date: 1930s Culture: French Medium: silk

Designer: Gabrielle "Coco" Chanel Date: 1938 Culture: French Medium: cotton

Designer: Christian Dior Date: fall/winter 1948–49 Culture: French Medium: silk

Date: 1966 Culture: American

Date: 1965–68 Culture: French Medium: silk