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Like architecture and philosophy, the fashion of the time shifted drastically away from the frill and decor of the Rococo to reflect the "traditional" garments of Greece and Rome.

This time period did not have a lot of great architectural development. Most of the architerctural developements occured in Norweigian countries.

Rococo artists and architects used a more lighthearted, flowery, and graceful approach to the Baroque. Their style was ornate and used light colors, asymmetrical designs, curves, and gold. Unlike the political Baroque, the Rococo had playful and witty themes.

The architecture of this time was derived from classical antiquity and designed to reflect emotional feelings. There became an increasing importance to place the building in the "right spot.” This meant the land starts to dictate building placement.

Contemporary or Post Modern Style (1770 C.E. - 1850 C.E.)



Primarily a movement in literature, art, and music that saw a fascination with nature and a return to the natural world, 

people in the Romantic Period wanted to learn, understand and harness the natural world. 

Clothing: Costume, Fashion and Makeup
History: Religion, Society and Politics

The architecture of this time was derived from classical antiquity and designed to reflect emotional feelings. There became an increasing importance to place the building in the "right spot.” This meant the land starts to dictate building placement.

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