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With the fall of the Eastern Roman Empire, Europe broke into smaller kingdoms, duchies and territories that through wars were absorbed into the shape of Europe that we know today. However, at this time the Catholic Church held soveriegnty over the Kings, Princes and Lords of the European nations. 

Art was completely dominated by the Church. Mosaics and paintings displaying images of Jesus, Mary, Saints, etc. cover the interiors of cathedrals. 

The clothing of the time period reflected the conservative views of the Church. Clothing moved from the flowing glorification of the body seen in Greece and Rome to a fully covered silhouette that hid the body.

Architecture was primarily dominated by either function or the glorification of God's splendor. It was the age of Cathedrals. Many of the most noticable and magnificent Cathedrals were built during this time period. Regardless of the purpose of the building's construction, defense was always incorporated into the design of the building.

Early and High Renaissance Style (c. 1400 C.E - c. 1550 C.E.)


Beginning around the fall of the Eastern Roman Empire and spanning through the Fall of Constantinople, the Medieval time period was dominated by the Catholic Church. Life revolved around religion and reflected its conservative nature. This was the time of the Crusades, Feudalism, and the emergence of many of the modern European nations. It is often refered to as the Dark Ages.

History: Religion, Society and Politics
Clothing: Costume, Fashion and Makeup

With the fall of the Eastern Roman Empire, Europe broke into smaller kingdoms, duchies and territories that through wars were absorbed into the shape of Europe that we know today. However, at this time the Catholic Church held soveriegnty over the Kings, Princes and Lords of the European nations. 

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