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Greek Style (c. 2700 B.C.E - c. 140 B.C.E.)


Ancient Greece spans a great length of time and the rise and fall of several powerful city-states. Ranging from the Minoan and Mycenaen civilizations to the hieght of the Golden Age of Athens and the military power of Sparta.  Greek culture has had a profound and lasting inpact on the world as we know it. 


The ancient Greeks further developed and expanded on the techniques developed by the Egyptians and other ancient cultures. However, they were able to further expand the knowledge and practices of building techniques beyond what their predecessors had before. 

Clothing: Costume, Fashion and Makeup

The clothing of the Anicient Greeks glorified the human form.  Fitness and the beauty of the human body were central to much more than just clothing choices.

History: Religion, Society and Politics

The Ancient Greeks contributed much to the current ideas and pracitces of western cuture, politics and society. Athenian democracy, Greek theatre and Hellenistic culture have all influenced modern culture.


The arts of ancient Greece have exercised an enormous influence on the culture of many countries all over the world, particularly in the areas of sculpture and architecture

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