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Greek Clothing


Fabric and Cloth

  • linen and wool

  • thinly woven to size needed

  • structured (Minoan and Mycenean) to basic (Dorian, Archaic) to drapey (high classical) to drapey with jewlery (Hellenistic)


Minoan and Mycenea 

  • woman structured and covered

  • men wore more loincloth

  • women tightly fitted boddices (sometimes with breast exposed)


Archaic (c. 500 BCE)

  • shift to a more human scale

  • women's hair is braided

  • men often bearded

  • example: Kore statue


Types of Clothing



  • body wrapped with a girdle

  • Doric - very simple with a pin at the shoulder (Fibula)

  • Ionic  

    • same versions for men and women

    • fuller and pinned down the arms to make sleeves before girdled

  • Kolpos - blouse portion of the chiton (still attached)


































  • body enveloping blanket for men and women

  • draped and tucked it (occassionally tied)

  • favored by politicians


























  • shorter cape worn over one shoulder

  • worn primarily by travelers and soulders

  • can be rolled up to form a pillow




  • Curiass

    • breast plate 

    • could be heavier woven fabric or leather

    • metal came later

  • greaves - leg guards/shin guards

  • helmets - sometimes worn ontop of the head (as shown in below image)





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