The Aincient Romans' mix of ancient greek technology with their own engeneering developements and technologies allowed them to take construction methods and architectural beauty to a whole new level.
Like most of their cuture, the Romans stole their clothing styles from the greeks and renamed them.
While the Greeks reveled ideal beauty and the glorification of the bodies natural beauty, the Romans loved naturalistic beauty of the body and the power that it possess. Much of Roman art reflects this idea.
Rome was one of the most powerful, prosperous and tumultous cultures that has existed. Stretching from the Atlantic to India and from Britain to Egypt, Roman influence is one of the largest and most lasting forces that has shaped humanity into the modern world in which we live.


Roman Style (c. 500 BCE - 475 CE)
The myth surrounding the formation of Rome stated that it was founded by Romulus and Remus, who were raised by a she-wolf and survived from suckling her teets. Because of this strong symbol of their beginnings the Roman's were much more primal and aggressive than the Greeks. They lived lives prone to excess, where men would binge eat, drink and sex for days at a time. Because of this, the Romans were also the first to bring sex and violence on stage.
Mix of ancient greek with engineering developments & technologies
Planned out cities and building organization