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This period was a time of strong monarchies, nationalism and the ignition of revolution. The monarchs of Europe fought many wars over territory and rights of succession, with alliances changing almost overnight in attempts to expand their empires. During this time the divide between middle and lower classes and the nobility grew, and as the lower classes gained more knowledge they began to resist their soveriegns. 

The extravagance of the nobility was very visably in the clothing. Cloth was imported and  clothing was heavily embroidered and excessive. Skirts grew wider and larger and hairstyles grew taller.

Rococo architecture was a lighter, more graceful, yet also more elaborate version of Baroque architecture. Prdominately an art movement, Rococo architecture focused more on the interior decor of buildings as opposed to new styles of construction.

Rococo artists and architects used a more lighthearted, flowery, and graceful approach to the Baroque. Their style was ornate and used light colors, asymmetrical designs, curves, and gold. Unlike the political Baroque, the Rococo had playful and witty themes.

Rococo (1730 C.E. - 1770 C.E.)


An artistic and decor movement in the late Baroque Period. It was a time of extravagance for the nobility and poverty for the lower classes. The monarchs of Europe fought wars with each other for personal recognation.

History: Religion, Society and Politics
Clothing: Costume, Fashion and Makeup
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