1700-1721 - Great Northern War, War between Tsardo of Russia and Swedish Empire over supremecy in Central, Northern and Eastern Europe
1709 - ruins of Herculaneum are discovered. This started an interest in the classics of Ancient Greek and Rome.
1711 - Death of Joseph I of the Holy Roman Empire, succeeded by his brother Charles VI
1714-1820 Georgian Period in England
1714 - Death of Queen Anne, George Louis, Elector of Hannover ascends as the new King of England, George I
1715 - Death of Louis XIV of France
1718–1720 - War of the Quadruple Alliance, war between France, Britain, Austria, and Dutch Republic and Spain as a result of Spains attempt to claim French territory in Italy and the French throne
1718 - City of New Orleans founded by the French in North America
1720–1721 - The Great Plague of Marseille
1720 - Treaty of The Hague: ends the War of the Quadruple Alliance.
1721 - Treaty of Nystad: ends the Great Northern War, Russia establishes itself as a new power in Europe
1721 - formation of Russian Empire, Peter the Great crowned first emperor
1722-1723 - Russo-Persian War, war between Russian and Ottoman Empires for control of the Caspian and Caucasus regions
1723 - Louis XV becomes the new King of France
1725 - Peter the Great dies and his wife Catherine I ascends to the Russian throne
1727 - George I dies and his son ascends to the British throne as George II
1727 - Catherine I of Russia dies and Peter II becomes tsar
1727 - Peter II dies of smallpox and Anna Ioannovna becomes Empress of Russia
1733-1738 - War of Polish Succession, right of Augustus III claim of King of Poland
1735-1739 - Russo-Turkish War, war between the Russia and Ottoman Empires, caused by the Ottoman Empire's war with Persia
1738 - Treaty of Vienna: ends the War of the Polish Succession
1739 - Treaty of Nissa: ends the Russo-Turkish War
1740-1748 - War of the Austian Succession, war over right of Marie Theresa's claim as Empress of the Austria-Hungary Empire
1740 - death of Charles VI, his daughter Maria Theresa crowned Empress of the Holy Roman Empire inciting the War of Austrian Succession
1740 - Anna of Russia dies, infant Ivan VI appointed Tsar
1741 - Elizaveta Petrovna, youngest daughter of Peter the Great, overthrow regency, imprison Ivan VI and declares herself Empress
1741-1743 - Russo-Swedish War
1743 - Treaty of Åbo: ends Russo-Swedish War, Russia surrendered much of its conquered territories
1745 - Madame de Pompadour becomes Louis XV misteress
1748 - discovery of Pompeii
1748 - Treaty of Aix-la-Chapelle: ends the War of the Austrian Succession
1754 - 1763 - Seven Years War between Britian and France
1755 - The Lisbon earthquake in Lisbon, Portugal
1756 - Birth of Mozart
1760 - George II dies and his grandson ascends to the British throne as George III
1761 - Elizaveta of Russia dies, her nephew, Peter III crowned tsar
1762 - Catherine II (Catherine the Great) overthrows her husband, Peter III, and declares herself Empress of Russia
1763 - Britain is victorious in the Seven Years War. The Treaty of Paris of 1763 grants Britain domain over vast new territories around the world.
1765 - The Stamp Act is passed by the Parliament of Great Britain.
1768-1774 - Russo-Turkish War
1770 - Australia is claimed as a British colony.
1770 - Marriage of Louis-Auguste (Louis XVI) and Marie Antoinette
1774 - Death of Louis XV, succeeded by his grandson Louis XVI
1774 - Treaty of Küçük Kaynarca: ends the Russo-Turkish War, Russia gained large amounts of territory includin the Ukraine and Crimea
1775 - 1783 American Revolution
1776 - Declaration of Independance signed in Philadelphia
1787-1792 - Russo-Turkish War, Ottoman attempt to reclaim lands tost in previous Russo-Turkish War
1788-1790 - Russo Swedish War, war started by King Gustav III of Sweden to increase popular support
1789 - French Revolution begins

World Map c. 1700
Europe Map c. 1700

Russian Monarchs
Catherine II of Russia
by Johann Baptist von Lampi the Elder

Habsburg Monarchs
Maria Theresa
The Empress in 1759
by Martin van Meytens
French Monarchs

Peter I ('The Great')
by Bernard Voge

Portrait of Empress Anna Ioannovna
by Louis Caravaque

Louis XV
by Hyacinthe Rigaud

Madame de Pompadour
by François Boucher

Portrait of Louis XVI of France
by D'après Antoine-François Callet

Marie Antoinette en chemise
by Louise Élisabeth Vigée Le Brun
British Monarchs

King George I
by Sir Godfrey Kneller

King George II
by Thomas Hudson

King George III
by Allan Ramsay
"British History Timeline." BBC News. BBC, n.d. Web. 9 Nov. 2014.
Duiker, William J, and Jackson J. Spielvogel. World History. Boston: Wadsworth Cengage Learning, 2013. Print.
Calloway, Stephen, and Elizabeth C. Cromley. The Elements of Style: A Practical Encyclopedia of Interior Architectural Details, from 1485 to the
Present. New York: Simon and Schuster, 1991. Print.
"England - Profile." BBC News. BBC, 12 Dec. 2011. Web. 9 Nov. 2014.
"History of the Monarchy." The Official Website of the British Monarchy. N.p., n.d. Web. 9 Nov. 2014.
Kucheran, Tamara . "Rococo Architecture and Clothing". Period Styles and Resources. Room 235, Auditorium. 29 October 2014.
"Russian Empire (1720-1917) Timeline." Russian Empire (1720-1917) Timeline. N.p., n.d. Web. 9 Nov. 2014.
Stokstad, Marilyn. Art History. Upper Saddle River, NJ: Pearson Prentice Hall, 2008. Print.