Egyptian Clothing: Costume, Fashion and Makeup
Clothing in Ancient Egypt has been heavily cronicled in the artwork and artifacts found in many of the tombs excavated in the early 20th Century. As in many ancient cultures there was great appreciation of the human form. Clothing was loosly draped around the body. Clothing was made out of linen and occasionally wool. Wool was considered unclean, so it was normally reserved for the lower castes. Clothing was also starched and pleated into sharper shapes, with the pleats often pointing to the genitals. It was also bleach white or left natural colors. However, there were also garments that were dyed and patterned, with more color and implying wealth and influence. Egyptians often bathed in oils and shaved off all body hair. The elite wore wigs that were often brightly colored and sometimes adorned with jewels. They wore makeup heavy around the eyes. Kohl eyeliner, which is made of black powder of lead sulfer, and is thought to be used for protection from the bright sun.
Clothing Articles
Shenti - short loin cloth sometimes covered with a transparent loin skirt, sached and girdled to the genitals
Kalisiris - tight fitting dress (often ending below the breasts)
Postiche - fake beard, often made out of leather or hair but sometimes wood or stone, worn by both male and female pharaohs
Egyptian Collar - an ornamental collar
Vulture - worn by queens as a symbol of their divinity and role as the great mother of Egypt
Nefertit - conical headdress most notibly worn by Queen Nefertiti
Klaft - structured, triangular headdress
Pschent - headress symbolic of upper and lower kingdoms
![]() Bust of Queen NefertitiShe is wearing the Nefertiti headdress and an Egyptian collar. | ![]() SandalsSample of the different types of sandals worn by Ancient Egyptians. | ![]() Reproduction of Egyptian ArtShe has the vulture headdress on her head. She also has on an Egyptian collar. |
![]() Burial mask of King TutThere is a pastiche on his chin. He is wearing a Klaft. There is also Kohl eyeliner aroung his eyes. | ![]() Menekaure & his WifeHe has on a klaft, a postiche and a shenti. She just has on a robe. |