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- derived from classical antiquity

- designed to reflect emotional feelings

- important to place the building in the "right spot”

     - land is starting to dictate building placement

- garden planning included niches for sitting, sex, etc.



Notable Buildings

- Somerset House














-English home

     - gables

     - hip roof - roof that slants in on all four sides

     - center Palladian window

          - tryptic window

          - center window arched 

          - surrounded by dentil work

     - symmetry

     - quoins - brick or stone work exposed at corners of buildings

     - widow’s walks appeared

- first time England didn’t define their own style



























- L’Arch de Triomphe

- Le Petite Tranion

























- the Prado Museum (in Madrid, wanted to be the center of arts and science of Europe)

- Astronomical Observatory



























- Vilnius University (Warsaw) 
















- Cathedral of Vac 



























- The Red Army Theatre (Moscow)




























- blend of roman, greek, renaissance and baroque

- walls became a focus and they were considered as their own entity

- themed rooms (Roman Room, Boroque Room, etc.)


Georgian Style (aka Palladian Style)

- hybrid of english manner style mixed with brogue and greek

- Malton Chapel, Westminster Addition, Close House

- interiors - emphasis on wall decor, flooring etc.


























Regency Architecture

- flattening of the cool stuff 

- blend of Greek Revival and German Renaissance

- interiors 0 highly decorated and very reminiscent of renaissance 


Empire Interiors

- highly symmetrical and presentational

- rooms meant to be viewed as well as used

- drapery became huge!

- fabric used to cover walls and ceilings like wallpaper 

- heavy use of moldings 

- textiles and textile art was at its zenith as well as painted fabric

- fabric draping became an art form

- sheer and a heavier fabric used together


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