
Not much is known about the architecture of this time. Aside from the cliff dwellings in Southern France and Northern Spain, not much survives from this time period. Since this was primarily a time of hunting and gathering, most shelters were either easily transportable, such as animal skin tents, or quickly made shelters of mud, grass and twigs.
Clothing at this time was relatively simple in nature and served function over form. Most clothing consisted of pieces made of either animal hide or grasses. Dispite this some artifacts show evidence of sewing and planning in the garments.
The primary art that survives to this day are cave paintings. These paintings seem to serve more as instructions for ritual then means of storytelling.
Society in the old stone age consisted primarily of family-based, nomadic tribes. There was a great sense of spiritualism. The peoples of this time believed that everything had a spirit. There was also a heavy reliance on the use and power of rituals.


Old Stone Age (c.20,000 BCE to c. 8000 BCE)
The old stone age covers the time that man transitioned from hunter gatherer to the domestication of farm animals and the discoveries of irrigation and agriculture.