Realism History
Mid/late 1800s - early 1900s
European empires falling apart
Colonies succeeding from under ruling thumbs
Britain became most powerful presence in Europe as other countries lost colonies and because of the British navy
Germany became powerhouse of industry; exported goods and electricity
rise of industrialization and urbanization
British Era
- Queen Victoria
- overseas trade and the industrial revolution there is a rise in the middle class, creating a larger wealth base in the UK
- became the global police due to this dominance and having no direct rival
- gained technological dominance with the advent of the steamship and the telegraph
United States
- standing on its own
- Pre Civil War
- known as the Antebellum Age
- slavery was at an all time high due to upswing in industry
- "maifest Destiny” became more prevalent as the US gained territories to the west
- The Civil War
- The Guilded Age
- northern leaders agreed that victory would require more than the end of fighting.
Succession and Confederate nationalism had to be totally repudiated and all forms of
slavery and quasi-slavery had to be eliminated
- goes through second industrial revolution
- became a booming country, where the population exploded and the wealth of the upper
class exponentially (Ragtime)
- immigration boom
Science and Mathematics
- replacing the classical physics in use since the end of scientific revolution modern physics arose in the early 20th century with the advent of quantum physics
- growth of Darwinism
- brings religion into question
Karl Marx
- Communist Manifesto
- Primitive Communism as seen in cooperative tribal societies
- Slave society: birth of aristocracy
- Feudalism:aristocracy is ruling class, merchants develop into capitalists
- Capitalism:capitalists are the ruling class
- Dictatorship of the proletariat: working class
- Communism
- rise of realism
- Ibsen, Strinberg, Chekhov
- beginning of real acting technique
- Stanislavsky
- Moscow Art Theatre
- beginning of motion picture
- France first really big in films
- Trip to the Moon
1860 - The Pony Express was founded.
1860 - Abraham Lincoln was elected President of the United States.
1860 - South Carolina seceded from the Union.
1860 - The Convention of Peking transferred the Ussuri krai from China to Russia.
1860 - Following the Franco-Sardinian victory over the Austrian Empire in the Second Italian War of Independence, Italian regions of Nice and Savoy were transferred to the French Empire as a reward.
1860 - (October) Second Opium War: British and French troops entered the Forbidden City in Beijing.
1861 - Ten more states seceded from the Union and established the Confederate States of America.
1861 - Jefferson Davis was elected President of the Confederacy.
1861 - American Civil War (1861-1865)
1861 - Emancipation reform of 1861: Alexander issued a manifesto emancipating the serfs; Student Protests against the Tsar.
1861 - Unification of Italian states into the Kingdom of Italy under King Victor Emmanuel II
1863 - The first underground train went into operation in London.
1863 - Lincoln issued the Emancipation Proclamation freeing slaves in the rebel states.
1865 - Abraham Lincoln assassination; Andrew Johnson became President of the United States
1866 - The Ku Klux Klan was founded
1867 - Alaska purchase: Russia agreed to the sale of Alaska to the United States of America.
1868 - The last public execution was carried out in Britain.
1868 - Grant was elected President of the United States
1869 - The First Transcontinental Railroad was completed at Promontory Summit, Utah Territory.[53]
1869 - Women's suffrage leaders Susan B. Anthony and Elizabeth Cady Stanton founded the National Woman Suffrage Association in the United States
1870 - Religious dissenters and women were first allowed to enter the Universities of University of Oxford and Cambridge.
1870-1940 Third Republic of France
1871 - W. S. Gilbert and Arthur Sullivan begin their 25 year collaboration with Thespis
1871 - The end of the Franco-Prussian War: France's loss marked the downfall of Napoleon III
1871 - The Paris Commune was declared and lasted 2 months before being violently suppressed by the French army.
1871 - Adolphe Thiers began his term as president of France.
1871 - German Empire (Second Reich) merges all German states except Austria, King Wilhelm I of Prussia becomes German Emperor ("Kaiser")
1871-90 - Otto von Bismarck, Chancellor of Germany, de facto ruler
1871 - Great Chicago Fire
1872 - Yellowstone National Park was created in the United States
1873 - Patrice de Mac-Mahon began his term as president of France.
1873 - League of the Three Emperors, alliance between Germany, Austria and Russia (disolved 1879)
1873 - Crookes radiometer: Invented by the chemist Sir William Crookes
1875-1955 - Novelist Thomas Mann born in Germany
1876 - The National League of baseball was founded in the United States
1876 - Alexander Graham Bell invented the telephone in the United States.
1876 - Rutherford B. Hayes elected President of the United States
1876 - Alexander II signed the Ems Ukaz, banning the use of the Ukrainian language in print in the Russian Empire
1876 - A secret treaty prepared for the division of the Balkans between Russia and Austria-Hungary, depending on the outcome of local revolutionary movements.
1877 - The first working phonograph was invented by Thomas Edison
1877 - Russo-Turkish War (1877–1878): Russia declared war on the Ottoman Empire.
1878 - The Treaty of San Stephano was signed, ending the Russo-Turkish War
1878 - Gilbert and Sullivan open H.M.S. Pinafore
1879 - Gilbert and Sullivan open Pirazte of Penzence
1879 - Dual Alliance between Germany and Austria (disolved at the conclusion of WWI)
1879 - Thomas Edison invented the light bulb.
1879 - Jules Grévy began his term as president of France.
1880 - James Garfield was elected President of the United States.
1881 - Garfield was assassinated; Chester A. Arthur was inaugurated President of the United States.
1881 - Clara Barton created the Red Cross.
1881 - Constitution proposed in Russia, Alexander II agrees to it but doesn't get a chance to sign it
1881 - Alexander II was assassinated; his son, Alexander III, becomes tsar of Russian Empire
1882 - Triple Alliance with Austria and Italy lasts until 1914
1883 - Buffalo Bill Cody debuted his Wild West Show.
1884 - Grover Cleveland was elected as President of the United State.
1884 - The Washington monument was completed
1885 - Gilbert and Sullivan open The Mikado
1886 - automobiles with gasoline-powered internal combustion engines produced independently by Carl Benz and Gottlieb Daimler
1886 - The American Federation of Labor was founded in Columbus, Ohio.
1886 - Process for economically producing Aluminum invented by Charles Martin Hall
1886 - Frank Julian Sprague invents the first practical DC electric motor
1887 - Marie François Sadi Carnot began his term as president of France
1888 - Year of Three Emperors in Germany; Kaiser Wilhelm I dies and is succeeded by his son Frederick III who dies a month later and is succeeded by his son Wilhelm II
1888 - Wind turbines for grid electricity invented by Charles F. Brush
1888 - Benjamin Harrison elected President of the United States
1889 - Adolf Hitler born
1890 - Yosemite National Park was create
1891 - James Naismith invented basketball.
1892 - General Electric was founded.
1891 - Severe famine affects almost half of Russia's provinces
1892 - Rudolf Diesel (1858-1913) invents Diesel engine in Germany
1892 Grover Cleveland was elected President of the United States for a second term.
1894 - The Franco-Russian Alliance was confirmed.
1894 - Jean Casimir-Perier began his term as president of France.
1894 - Alexander III dies. His son Nicholas II succeeds him as tsar of Russia
1895 - Félix Faure began his term as president of France.
1896 - Plessy v. Ferguson affirmed the legality of "separate but equal" facilities in the United States.
1896 - William McKinley elected President of the United States.
1896 - The Boston subway was completed.
1898 - The Marxist Russian Social Democratic Labour Party (RSDLP) held its first Party Congressin Russia
1898 - The USS Maine exploded in Havana harbor starting the Spanish–American War
1898 - The Treaty of Paris ended the Spanish–American War
1898 - Republic of Hawaii was annexed by the Unite States
1899 - Émile Loubet began his term as president of France.
1901 - Queen Victoria dies; succeeded by her son King Edward VII of Great Britain
1901 - The Socialist-Revolutionary Party of Russia was founded.
1901 - President William McKinley was assassinated; Theodore Roosevelt sworn in as President of the United States
1902 - The Ford Motor Company was formed.
1902 - The first World Series was played between the Boston Americans and Pittsburgh Pirates
1902 - The movie The Great Train Robbery opened.
1902 -At the second congress of the RSDLP, the party split into two factions: the Bolsheviks, led by Vladimir Lenin, and the less radical Mensheviks.
1904 - Russo-Japanese War begins Japan launched a surprise torpedo attack on the Russian navy at Port Arthur.
1904 - The Entente Cordiale was signed, insuring peace between France and the United Kingdom after a millennium of constant rivalry between the two nations.
1905 - Russian Revolution of 1905
1905 - Russo-Japanese War: The Treaty of Portsmouth was signed, ceding some Russian property and territory to Japan and ending the war.
1906 - Women's suffrage and civil rights activist Susan B. Anthony died
1906 - San Francisco earthquake
1906 - Armand Fallières began his term as president of France.
1907 - Britain and Russia signed the Anglo-Russian Convention of 1907, forming the Triple Entente
1908 - The Bureau of Investigation (later the FBI) was established.[86]
1908 - The Ford Model T began production
1908 - William Howard Taft was elected President of the United States
1909 - The NAACP was founded by W. E. B. Du Bois

Map of the Triple Alliance
Map of the Triple Alliance and the Triple Entente
Calloway, Stephen, Elizabeth C. Cromley, and Alan Powers. The Elements of Style: An Encyclopedia of Domestic Architectural Detail. Buffalo, NY:
Firefly, 2005. Print.
Fazio, Michael W., Marian Moffett, Lawrence Wodehouse, and Marian Moffett. A World History of Architecture. Boston: McGraw-Hill, 2008. Print.
"History of the Monarchy." The Official Website of the British Monarchy. N.p., n.d. Web. 9 Nov. 2014.
Kangas-Preston, Karen. "Realism Clothing". Period Styles and Resources. Room 235, Auditorium. 19 November 2014.
Russell, Douglas A. Period Style for the Theatre. 2nd ed. Boston: Allyn and Bacon, 1980. Print.
"Russian Empire (1720-1917) Timeline." Russian Empire (1720-1917) Timeline. N.p., n.d. Web. 9 Nov. 2014
Stokstad, Marilyn. Art History. Upper Saddle River, NJ: Pearson Prentice Hall, 2008. Print.
van Blommestein, Lex. "Realism Architecture". Period Styles and Resources. Room 235, Auditorium. 19 November 2014.