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The Modern Era History

Names: “The Gilded Age” (US), “Belle Epoque” (France), "Edwardian" (England)

- started with the unification of Germany

- growth of labor unions

- women’s suffrage movements

- scientific advancements

- Fairs and expos

     - began in 1890

     - leading factor in starting and spreading art movements

     - focus on mechanism and industry as well as arts

          - Eiffel Tower


Otto von Bismark

     - unified Germany

     - system of allies across Europe

     - removed from power by Wilhelm II

     - knew that Balkans were the weak spot that could ignite European War



- major colonies solidified and still expanding

- desire to control Africa

     - lot amounts of natural resources as well as gold and diamond

     - all of Africa controlled by Europe by 1913 except Ethiopia and Liberia

- competition between countries

- “White Man’s Burden"



- exponential corporate growth

- corporate monopolies and trust

     - price setting

     - anti-competition

     - price gouging

- Teddy Roosevelt and Trust Busting

- Growth of Labor Unions

     - 37,00 strikes from 1881-1905

- Triangle Shirt Waist Factory Fire

     - 146 garment workers killed

     - management locked exits during work hours

     - growth of Garment Worker’s Union

     - legislation for improved workplace conditions



     - huge immigration from Ireland and Poland

     - large Jewish immigration from Eastern Europe



- Lumber Brothers patent cinematographer, record first film, 1895

- Georges Melies, best known for A Trip to the Moon, pioneered many of the first effect shot

- editing and narrative became widespread around 1900

- American film companies move to Southern California, starting 1909



- Sigmund Freud

     - father of psychoanalysis

     - Id, Ego, Superego

- Carl Jung

     - archetypes of the mind

     - Collective Unconscious

- The Unconscious Mind

     - repository of Instinct

     - connection all humanity

- Dream Analysis

- psychoanalysis in storytelling




1890 -  Yosemite National Park was create

1891 - James Naismith invented basketball.

1892 – Foundation of the American Psychological Association

1892 - General Electric was founded.

1891 - Severe famine affects almost half of Russia's provinces

1892 - Rudolf Diesel (1858-1913) invents Diesel engine in Germany

1892 Grover Cleveland was elected President of the United States for a second term.

1894 - The Franco-Russian Alliance was confirmed.

1894 - Jean Casimir-Perier began his term as president of France.

1894 - Alexander III dies. His son Nicholas II succeeds him as tsar of Russia

1895 – Wilhelm Conrad Röntgen discovers x-rays

1895 - Guglielmo Marconi invents the radio telegraph

1895 - Félix Faure began his term as president of France.

1896 - Plessy v. Ferguson affirmed the legality of "separate but equal" facilities in the United States.

1896 – Development of the first psychological clinic at the University of Pennsylvania, marking the birth of clinical psychology

1896 - William McKinley elected President of the United States.

1896 - The Boston subway was completed.

1887 - Ragtime music becomes popular in the United States

1898 - The Marxist Russian Social Democratic Labour Party (RSDLP) held its first Party Congressin Russia

1898 - The USS Maine exploded in Havana harbor starting the Spanish–American War

1898 - The Treaty of Paris ended the Spanish–American War

1898 – Marie Curie discovers polonium, radium, and coins the term "radioactivity"

1896 – Henri Becquerel discovers radioactivity

1898 - Birth of George Gershwin and Paul Robeson

1898 - Republic of Hawaii was annexed by the Unite States

1899 - Émile Loubet began his term as president of France.

1899 - Birth of Duke Ellington

1900 – Sigmund Freud published Interpretation of Dreams, marking the beginning of Psychoanalytic Thought

1900 – King Umberto assassinated

1900 - Death of Oscar Wilde

1900 - Max Planck: Planck's law of black body radiation, basis for quantum theory

1900 - Tosca by Giacomo Puccini premieres in Rome

1901 - Queen Victoria dies; succeeded by her son King Edward VII of Great Britain

1901 - The Socialist-Revolutionary Party of Russia was founded.

1901 - President William McKinley was assassinated; Theodore Roosevelt sworn in as President of the United States

1901 – Alois Alzheimer identifies the first case of what becomes known as Alzheimer's disease

1901 - Birth of Louis Armstrong

1902 - Birth of Richard Rodgers

1902 - The Ford Motor Company was formed.

1902 - The first World Series was played between the Boston Americans and Pittsburgh Pirates

1902 - The movie The Great Train Robbery opened.

1902 -At the second congress of the RSDLP, the party split into two factions: the Bolsheviks, led by Vladimir Lenin, and the less radical Mensheviks.

1902 - Birth of Langston Hughes

1903 - Willem Einthoven discovers electrocardiography (ECG/EKG)

1904 -  Madama Butterfly by Giacomo Puccini premieres in Milan

1904 - Russo-Japanese War begins Japan launched a surprise torpedo attack on the Russian navy at Port Arthur.

1904 - The Entente Cordiale was signed, insuring peace between France and the United Kingdom after a millennium of constant rivalry between the two nations. 

1905 - Russian Revolution of 1905

1905 - The Merry Widow by Franz Lehár premieres in Vienna 

1905 - Salome by Richard Strauss premieres in Dresden

1905 – Albert Einstein: theory of special relativity, explanation of Brownian motion, and photoelectric effect

1905 - Russo-Japanese War: The Treaty of Portsmouth was signed, ceding some Russian property and territory to Japan and ending the war.

1906 - Women's suffrage and civil rights activist Susan B. Anthony died

1906 - San Francisco earthquake

1906 - Armand Fallières began his term as president of France.

1907 - Britain and Russia signed the Anglo-Russian Convention of 1907, forming the Triple Entente

1907 – Paul Ehrlich develops a chemotherapeutic cure for sleeping sickness

1908 - The Bureau of Investigation (later the FBI) was established.[86]

1908 - The Ford Model T began production

1908 -  William Howard Taft was elected President of the United States

1909 - The NAACP was founded by W. E. B. Du Bois

1910 - Hans Christian Jacobaeus performs the first laparoscopy on humans

1910 - The Boy Scouts of America was created

1910 - Death of King Edward VII of Great Britain, suceeded by his son George V

1911 - The first Indianapolis 500 was held

1911 - Italy defeats the Ottoman Empire and gain control over Libya and the Rhodes archipelago

1911 – Alfred Adler left Freud's Psychoanalytic Group to form his own school of thought, Individual Psychology

1911 – Heike Kamerlingh Onnes: Superconductivity

1912 – Alfred Wegener: Continental drift

1912 – Max von Laue : x-ray diffraction

1912 - RMS Titanic sinks in the North Atlanitc

1912 - Girl Scouts of the USA formed

1912 - Woodrow Wilson elected President of the United States

1913 – Niels Bohr: Model of the atom

1913 - Henry Ford developed the modern assembly line

1913 – Carl Jung departed from Freudian views and developed his own theories which became known as Analytical Psychology

1914 - Assasination of Austrian Archduke Franz Ferdinand and his wife Sophie; ignites World War I

1914-1918 - World War I (WWI) also known as The Great War

1914 - The first Mother's Day was observed in the USA

1915 - RMS Lusitania torpedoed and sinks of the coast of Ireland

1915 – Albert Einstein: theory of general relativity

1915 - Birth of a Nation

1915 - The tank was invented by Ernest Swinton

1915 - Birth of Billie Holiday and Frank Sinatra

1916 - Death of Emperor Francis Josephh I of Austro-Hungarian Empire; succeeded by grandnephew Charles I

1916 - Birth of Milton Babbitt, Betty Grable and Dinah Shore

1916 - Beginning of Dada movement

1916 - invention of Technicolor

1917 - United States enters WWI

1917 - First hit jazz recordings by Original Dixieland Jass Band

1917 - Birth of Lou Harrison and Ella Fitzgerald

1917 - February Revolution in Russia, lead to the abdication of Tsar Nicholas II and the end of the Russian Empire

1917 - Vladimir Lenin (key figure in the Russian Revolution) elected head of the Russian Soviet Federative Socialist Republic and formed the Soviet Union

1918 - Overthrow of Kaiser and all royal families in Germany

1918 - former-Tsar Nicholas and the rest of the royal family were executed on direct orders from Lenin

1918 - Emperor Charles I of Austro-Hungary "renounced participation in state affairs, but didn't abdicate"

1919 - The Treaty of Versailles ends WWI

1919 Germany becomes the Weimar Republic (1919 - 1930)

Military Alliances in 1914


Map of territorial changes in Europe after WWI

Carl  Jung

Sigmund Freud

Otto von Bismark



Brewster, Hugh, Laurie Coulter, and Ken Marschall. 882 1/2 Amazing Answers to Your Questions about the Titanic. New York: Scholastic, 1998.


Calloway, Stephen, Elizabeth C. Cromley, and Alan Powers. The Elements of Style: An Encyclopedia of Domestic Architectural Detail. Buffalo, NY:

     Firefly, 2005. Print.

Fazio, Michael W., Marian Moffett, Lawrence Wodehouse, and Marian Moffett. A World History of Architecture. Boston: McGraw-Hill, 2008. Print.

"History of the Monarchy." The Official Website of the British Monarchy. N.p., n.d. Web. 9 Nov. 2014.

Kangas-Preston, Karen. "Realism Clothing". Period Styles and Resources. Room 235, Auditorium.  19 November 2014.

Marschall, Ken, and Hugh Brewster. Inside the Titanic. Boston: Little, Brown, 1997. Print.

Russell, Douglas A. Period Style for the Theatre. 2nd ed. Boston: Allyn and Bacon, 1980. Print.

"Russian Empire (1720-1917) Timeline." Russian Empire (1720-1917) Timeline. N.p., n.d. Web. 9 Nov. 2014

Stokstad, Marilyn. Art History. Upper Saddle River, NJ: Pearson Prentice Hall, 2008. Print.

van Blommestein, Lex. "Realism Architecture". Period Styles and Resources. Room 235, Auditorium.  19 November 2014.


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